The large metal trays alternately fill, tip and pour out water so that the whole sculpture is in a kind of graceful random motion. It is relaxing to sit and watch.

There are benches around the fountain where people can sit and chat while the water plays over the sculpture. The gentleman reading the newspaper is also a bronze sculpture.
Located at the corner of 21st and Utica is an outdoor fountain sculpture created by Lin Emery entitled 'Free Enterprise.' . “Emery ‘wanted to evoke the essence of movement-flight, dance, gestures and pantomime.’ To obtain the proper color and workability, Emery selected a specially produced bronze alloy and then combined it with stainless steel.”-From The Artwork of Tulsa by John Brooks Walton
More information on the artist:
“Lin Emery is an internationally recognized sculptor. Her kinetic sculptures produce constantly changing relationships through the ever-varying configuration of their pars as they interpret the lyrical beauty of the natural world. Lin Emery’s forms are abstracted from nature and give visible form to the energies moving through nature.” Link
I remember seeing a similar sculpture in France some years ago but cannot recall just where it was. I need some help with that.
i used to like fountains. until people started pouring soap in them for the bubble-effect. since then, the fountains smell like clorox.
tulsa looks very beautiful.
Hi Bill, I'm back and ready to comment on your site once more.
What a lovely fountain - I love fountains, they're so peaceful.
I'll send you some of my holiday pics to your email address when I have a second. At the moment it's a matter of emptying my case and putting the washer on - oh the joys of returning from even just a five-day trip.
Anne - Hello, it is nice to have you back. I have missed your pithy comments. With you gone the Sunday puzzle went un-worked. I think you missed my over-long set on the King Tut adventure. I hope you had a nice trip and I will look forward to some photographs. Maybe we need to start a blog for you.
Bonjour Bill.
J'admire vos fontaines ultra-modernes et les jeux d'eau qui vont avec, lol !
Ici, le ciel se charge de nous offrir ses ondées continues :-(((
Quel printemps pourri !
Bisous à Suzanne, à vous et caresses à Smokey.
Perhaps this is the sculpture you remember?
The google magic phrase was "antibes kinetic water sculpture"
Thank you good sir. You have solved the riddle. We went to both the Picasso museum and the Maeght foundation. The latter is where I remembered the kinetic water sculpture. I thought I had googled every possible combination. Thank you very much. I will amend my previous post.
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