Gavin had a great birthday. Mike is like a son to me and we claim Gavin as a grandson. He is a very sweet kid.

Gavin and Cowboy Woody just fit on Gavin's new bicycle. Gavin was in heaven.

The last present to be opened was from Gavin's mom and dad. A Gavin sized Cowboy Woody!! Did Gavin like it? Oh My, did he ever!

Then it was time for presents. There were plenty of helpers.

...and everybody scrambled for the candy that poured out of the pinata.

So the bat was passed to Cousin Colton who took a mighty swing....

Mike found a Toy Story pinata and tied it to a tree. Gavin got the first swing -- and the second, and the third. All the little kids gave it a whack but it was too tough for them.

Amber organized everything and spent most of the time taking pictures. Gavin fell out of his highchair last week and the doctor gave him a sling to wear, but Gavin is too busy to notice. He is tough like his father.

Mike and Amber's boy Gavin celebrated his 2nd birthday today at one of the Tulsa Parks. All the grandparents were there and a lot of his young cousins. The weather was a little cooler than we had hoped but it was a fine party anyway.
Gavin REALLY likes Cowboy Woody from Toy Story so the cake pictured an edible version of Gavin's hero.