I hope that you don't get tired of my pictures of spring flowers, but they are so spectacular this time of year that I can't resist. I believe this to be a flowering plum because the individual flowers arrange themselves in rounded clusters along the branches. Trees like this are developed for bloom not for fruit. Like the Bradford pear, the ornamental plums are sterile or produce insignificant fruit.
Rassurez-vous, Bill, nous apprécions toujours autant toutes vos photos de la nature printanière ! Et celle-ci est magnifique...
Il faut saisir ce que la nature nous offre généreusement, c'est beaucoup mieux que... la crise !
Gorgeous picture Bill! -Susan Foust
If I had to pick a "best of show" this would be it. Thank you for commenting.
I,ve never heard of the WFP - after these set of gorgeous pictures I really must get my A-Z of gardening out and see if we have the same varieties are you are showing.
Don't they make you feel happy that spring is here?
Oh, I'm not tired of it... it's good to see it's spring SOMEWHERE!
I saw snow flakes yesterday (sigh).
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