This is the view along the road side. Because of the snow fall the pink blooms looked even brighter due to the contrast. By today the snow was all gone.

There is an area in Northeast Tulsa that is known as Redbud Valley because of the number of Redbud trees that grow wild there. At the far north end of 161st East Avenue is the Tulsa Redbud Nature Park where scenic hiking trails lead the walker through a little touch of wilderness. Our friend Renny would enjoy this.

These are wild native Redbud trees. They self-seed and are found along road sides and dotting the hill sides all overEeastern Oklahoma and the surrounding states. Because they are beautiful and very hardy, they are also planted around many homes and businesses. This time of year they put on a lovely show.
C'est très joli ce contraste entre des arbres en fleurs et la neige !
Mais comme c'est une espèce sauvage, elle saura résister aux variations climatiques.
Je ne sais pas ce qu'est un gainier ; je vais chercher.
What beautiful wild trees you have in Tulsa - I've never seen a Redbud before.
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