My granddaughter Sarah is 14 and learning to drive on the trails. She stopped to talk with us but preferred to roar up and down the hill on a big 4-wheeler. I don't know who it belonged to. She is growing up very quickly.

Number 2 son David was in his house in town. He is working hard with some remodeling. He and Renee will be married in a few weeks and he is trying to get his house ready for a new wife and her two girls. He is showing me the new recessed ceiling lights in the kitchen. He is making progress.

Our church has a lovely cloister garden recently renovated and refreshed. It is a lovely quiet place to sit and reflect.

The walkway through the garden is set with brick crosses of various types and is a memorial of those who died in the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
Memorial Day is a United States federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May (May 25 in 2009). Formerly known as Decoration Day, it commemorates U.S. men and women who died while in the military service. Together with the preceeding weekend it is an important 3 day holiday which marks the beginning of summer. The observance has become extended to include all those who have died and many families go to visit the graves of loved ones and decorate them with flowers or little flags.
Our church, Christ Church Episcopal, has a cloister garden which contains several memorials to individuals and to commemorate the September 11 tragedy.
Many families also use this as an occasion to camp, picnic, swim, fish and otherwise enjoy the outdoors. Sue, Smokey and I drove over to Ft. Gibson Lake near out home town of Wagoner to see what my boys were doing.
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