Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
4 hours ago
Gosh that was hard - 32.01 was my time.
Mind you, I have an excuse, I picked up a "bug" from the hotel we were staying in and have been laid low ever since returning home!!!! However, I'm on my way to recovery but still on the "do not come near" list. My neighbours are leaving food at my door so I do not contaminate them.
The Cotswolds were absolutely delightful but the food at the hotel left a lot to be desired. On the last day there were two coach parties leaving and we were delayed because two people in our party were affected with a "virus" and 25 in another and no one could go until given medical go-ahead. Luckily I didn't get struck down until I was in my own home (someone up there likes me).
However, here I am back to my old self and enjoying (!!!!!!!) your jigsaw Bill. Good job you're in Tulsa and I'm in England so you couldn't hear the names I was calling you - that was hard, but fun.
It is nice to have you back working the Sunday puzzles. Sorry that you were ill for part of your trip. The puzzle shouldn't have been that tough as the pieces were not rotated. I think you were just out of practice or off your game because you felt puny. Glad you're back.
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