Skywatch Friday in and around Town
No big adventures lately so what I have this week are Skywatch “targets of
opportunity.” Sights I saw while going about my business. First up is a
9 hours ago
Much nicer signs than these "warning, dog on guard" :D
Beautiful color, these flowers.
What a plethora of colour you have at this time of year. I always remember when I attended flower arranging classes in the olden days, at this time of year, there was a period of about two months where we had to arrange twigs and branches as flowers there were none!!!
That arch of roses, when it meets, is going to be beautiful - what a welcoming sight to greet visitors.
Smokey est un "petit prince" dans votre maison !
Lorsque le deuxième rosier grimpant (car je suppose que ce sont des rosiers ?) aura escaladé la pergola, votre entrée sera magnifique.
Bon dimanche et bisous.
That's a very shiny front door knocker - do you get out the Brasso and "polish up the handle on the big front door" a la Gilbert & Sullivan?
Anne - The brass trim on the front door is heavily lacquered and does not require polishing - so far.
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