This is a Skipper on a yellow Lantana. I can't tell which variety of skipper because I am looking at the wings edgewise, but it is one of them.
Marrickville, graffiti art
This is part of an extensive mural on a hoarding on the corner of Edinburgh
Road and Sydney Street, in the inner west suburb of Marrickville. This
3 hours ago
How do you tell the difference between moths and butterflies? This is certainly a good enough photo for ID but what are the criteria?
I love this shot!! I've gotten a couple butterflies on some sunflowers that grow wild nearby, but not any shots that I'm thrilled with. You're inspiration to keep working on it!!
Perfect macro, the butterfly is beautiful!
Such skill needed to capture something so elusive. Awesome!
Great shot!
belle photo mais je n'y connais pas grand-chose en papillons !!
I love the yellow!
Lovely Macro
My entry is here
Brilliant color. And not the everyday butterfly viewpoint. Nice shot!
What a lovely shot. It seems to be a moth lurking over the blooms. Just exquisite.
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