The Main Doors to Old Central High School, Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Central High School in downtown Tulsa was opened in 1917 and expanded in 1922. It replaced an earlier building built in 1906. As Tulsa grew, additional high schools were built farther from the city center and by 1976 Central was closed as a school and purchased by the Public Service Company of Oklahoma (PSO). After a complete renovation and extensive interior modifications, it now serves as PSO's headquarters. In November 2007, PSO received the Foundation Landmark Award from the Tulsa Foundation for Architecture for preservation of the building as a significant part of Tulsa’s heritage.
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Good for them ... but ... what does PSO do?
PSO is the electric company.
Not seen too many of such beautiful carvings with modern designs but it looks so spectacular!
Pixellicious Photos
That's quite an impressive entryway! Great shot.
It's the Electric Company! Then how come does it just say Public Service ? Over here our electricity supply companies are called XYZ Energy or somesuch. They now tend to supply both electricity and gas. I thought the you would say that Public Service Company was something like Vinne de Paul, or Red Cross, or Salvation Army. An NGO that helps folks in need.
Lovely details!
It bears so much similarity to the elementary school I attended in El Paso, Texas, as well as the high school my dad attended there and I would have attended to, had he not moved the family to New Mexico. Brought back some good memories... the entire student population marching around the school with purple and white balloons to celebrate the principal's 60th birthday, having the same second-grade teacher who'd taught my dad, swinging on the monkey bars but having to wear shorts underneath our dresses because girls weren't allowed to wear pants to school then...
Boy, am I dating myself or what?!?
Bonsoir Bill.
Désolée d'avoir été un peu absente mais hier j'étais à l'hôpital...
Bisous à vous deux et caresses à Smokey.
Don't you just enjoy old architecture, it's so much nicer than thecookie cutter properties we see today!
I'm glad that were able to repurpose the building. I've never been inside but I'm told that it is pretty nice.
It looks a bit like the high school I attended in France. It was a very old building... of course, mine is still a high school!
I love the entrances they used to make on places, so grand!
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