It is a beautiful day to walk, run, or bicycle down the trails of Tulsa's Riverpark.
The trails have been resurfaced this year with new lighting and improved landscaping. The Tulsa Parks Department has made a good thing better.
Weerzien in het rietland
Aan het eind van de ochtend kwamen Jetske en ik vrijdag bij het rietland
aan. Voordat we echt tussen de rietsnijders waren, moesten we eerst nog
naar de an...
1 hour ago
Great picture. Makes me want to run down there and do a few more miles.
What a terrific capture, Bill! Love that clear blue sky! And what a lovely place to walk or run or just sit and daydream! Hope you have a wonderful weekend with lots of blue skies!
beautiful blue sky....nice place to walk....
I agree this picture is so peaceful. Happy weekend!
SWF~Blue puffy sky
That is a beautiful sky with no pollution from the Icelandic volcano such as we in England are experiencing. All aircraft are grounded and that, according to the news, is more than happened after 9/11. To see pictures of Heathrow without people and, again according to the news, for the people living nearby hearing the birds singing is unheard of. I am sure those who live in the flightpath of any of Britain's airports are welcoming the sound of silence!
Nice clear blue sky!
Looks like the banks of the Ottawa River!
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