The Mayo Hotel, 115 West 5th Street, Tulsa Oklahoma
Tulsa's landmark hotel, the Mayo opened in 1925 as an 18 story 600 room hotel. It has recently undergone extensive remodeling and restoration and now offers 102 hotel rooms, 70 luxury residences, and opulent event space with a restaurant and coffee shop in the lobby.
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Aan het eind van de ochtend kwamen Jetske en ik vrijdag bij het rietland
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49 minutes ago
This place is gorgeous! I attended a few functions at the Mayo before we moved from Tulsa. Do you know if they ever started renting out the upper levels for reseidential use?
The management odf the Mayo has some residential units ready and some in use. Check their web site for more info.
It is shaping up to be a really nice place. Good luck and let us know how it worked out for you.
That's pretty amazing. I never knew there was such a thing in Tulsa.
I'm guessing I'd need to win the lottery to buy one of the residential units in a place like that. I do like your pictures of doors.
that is a heck of an entrance!
That's an impressive looking doorway.
Regal-looking place!
It certainly has a very impressive entrance. It's nice to see older landmarks being restored and used.
What a lovely entrance. Beautiful!
What a majestic building. I, too, never pictured anything quite like this is Tulsa...
Looks pretty fancy.
When I tripped on this MAYO posting I thought that was a coincidence: the famous MAYO Hospital is in Rochester just south of us. Nice to look through your CDP blog.
Cheery greetings from EAGAN daily photo
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