The Redbud trees have burst into bloom. Tulsa experienced some periods of unusually cold weather in March, including several late spring snow storms. As a result our spring blooming season was delayed by a week or two. Over the last week or so we have enjoyed some sun and warm weather and it seems like everything burst into bloom at once. The Redbud is Oklahoma's state tree and grows wild here in addition to being a favorite ornamental tree for urban landscaping. There are several varieties, the one in my garden is the old-fashioned native variety. They are spectacular when in full bloom and give off a light but very pleasant scent.
For other shades of red from all over check out Ruby Tuesday.
Chinatown, Lunar Lanterns, Snake
Lunar Lanterns have been installed around the city to celebrate the Sydney
Lunar New Year Festival. This year is the Year of the Snake in the Chinese
4 hours ago
redbuds blossoming,
robins tugging worms from earth—
symphony of spring
Pick your ruby:
The Other Way
WOW--they sure are blooming!! Beautiful!
Wow they're so pretty. No wonder they're a favorite flower for landscaping. I wish we had those here in Manila, but it's so hot here I doubt they'd survive.
Mine are just starting to show their color. Next week they should be in full bloom here.
I love the redbuds, we have 3 in our yard. This is a gorgeous picture!!!
Redbuds AND lilacs all at one time--you are blessed, indeed!
Nice choice for Ruby Tuesday.
lovely, they're so pretty with the blue sky in the background.
These flowers look like Spring, the pink of new growth the perfect antidote to winter and late snows. The pastels of the season are soothing, and we watch their growth with much interest...
Lovely, especially with the blue sky as background.
I had to look this up in my encylcopaedia and discover it's a Cercis siliquastrum (Judas tree).
I don't think I've seen it growing in this part of the world - maybe in southern England where the climes are a little warmer.
I have never heard it called a Judas tree but you are correct, it is the same tree. Perhaps a different variety but the same tree. It grows wild here in Oklahoma. It might not be quite so prolific in England but it would probably grow there if planted as it is very hardy.
Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I wonder if that smells as beautiful as it looks! Wonderful capture!!!
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