White dogwood trees spread in layers of white under tall sycamores.
Normally spring flowers bloom in a certain order over a month or so. This spring we had cold weather including some late snow and the early stuff didn't get much of a chance. Then when the snow went away it got really warm and everything exploded into bloom at about the same time. Susan and I drove around yesterday and I tried to take pictures of what was out. I have never seen all these things blooming at the same time.

Yellow Forsythia usually is an early bloomer.
The purple Wisteria vine is spectacular.
Even the Azaleas are beginning to flower.
And the hardy Redbud tree grows wild in the open spaces under the tall trees.
Wonderful trees and flowers.
What a glorious sextet of pictures - not sure you can call trees and shrubs a "sextet" but it's what came into my mind when I saw them.
Six of anything is a sextet as far as I'm concerned. This is a beautiful time of year for us.
Yes we are having a glorious multicolored simultaneous instead of sequential spring this year.
Great photos TG.
Those are gorgeous blosoms!
I soooo miss spring :)
Bill, vos photos sont merveilleuses et ravissent l'oeil.
Bisous à Suzan, à vous et caresses à Smokey.
I'm hooked on the golf from Augusta but their azaleas are way behind their normal flowering.
Still a beautiful golf course though.
Yogi says it best, a multicolored simultaneous instead of sequential spring. I couldn't say it better.
I love the first picture, it's an interesting contrast.
Nice trees. We have these kind in one of the apartment gardens. They look beautiful.
Nice canopy contrast. The blooming Redbud adds a lot of visual 3D. You're having a spectacular spring, I'm envious.
It is clearly a while since I visited. I like this ... we don't get colours like this in the wild.
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