Saturday, January 9, 2010

Monochrome Weekend

Piccadilly Circus, London, England, May, 2000

Usually the photos I post have been taken very recently. However, I have a large number of older photographs taken in years past. Right now Tulsa is a mass of icy slush which does not always photograph well. So allow me to share some oldies with you.

While on a tour of England and France with Tulsa Community College in May of 2000 I took a large number of photographs with a film camera using Kodachrome. A CD of digital images were produced by the developer at the time the film was processed and printed. I have converted some of these to black and white (or sepia) using Paint.Net. Brightness and contrast was adjusted to satisfy myself. I will be sharing these from time to time. I hope you enjoy them.

Other Monochrome Weekend posts are HERE.


Gena @ thinking aloud said... [Reply to comment]

This is a lovely shot - I think the fact that it's raining gives this picture so much more dimension!
Happy weekend!

Kilauea Poetry said... [Reply to comment]

Oh wow..I like this! The detail of these buildings as well as the rainy day here and all the umbrellas- terrific!

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Great idea - I look forward to seeing more.

Anne said... [Reply to comment]

YES!!! I have been there several times, and at once a saw the picture i could imagine where you was standing. Love it in black and white.

Bengbeng said... [Reply to comment]

other than the photographic aspect, i appreciate it bcos i have never been there or seen it before

Adam Adam said... [Reply to comment]

Yes - this photo is really nice.
It is very good simple when weather helps to make good picture. We may feel this rain :)

John said... [Reply to comment]

Monochrome and rain, represents London on quite a few days in the year.

Lene said... [Reply to comment]

I wish to go there some day. Lovely buildings :)

Micki02 said... [Reply to comment]

I'm very happy to see again Picadilly circus. i didn't go to England for twenty years ! I would to to spend some days in London with children and husband, but it's very expensive ! may be next year

Sunshine said... [Reply to comment]

I want to go back there so badly. It's absolutely beautiful. Oh, and I'm glad to hear you liked the tomato sausage dish. I may have to try it your way next time.

Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

Great picture. I'm ready for more from time to time.

Rune Eide said... [Reply to comment]

London is always worth a visit - and rain is not uncommon either. Please posrt more.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

This one converted well. Trust your eye and your judgment. It's fun to go back through your archives and play with past images.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Very nice. Brings back memories of my year living in London.

Chie Wilks said... [Reply to comment]

thanks for taking me to England by sharing this photo...awesome shot...

mine is here, hope u can visit

SquirrelQueen said... [Reply to comment]

Very nice photo, the details are great. Hope to see more of these soon.
The Road to Here

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I imagine, at the moment, London may well be covered in snow. The novelty of pictures we are shown on the news of England experiencing a load of the white stuff is beginning to wear a bit thin now!


Joan Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

Hi thanks for visiting my blog. I followed the link to your road trip. Some years ago I had a wonderful week driving in New Mexico and on other occasions a week in California and New England. America has such wonderful scenery and vibrant cities.

Sharon's Mum Anne said... [Reply to comment]

Hello from sharonsmum.anne

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

I think it's a terrific Photo of a (what we think) typical London scene.
Beautifully done with the conversion!

Robin said... [Reply to comment]

Great detail on the buildings.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

I love the picture! Black and white works very well.

I didn't know you went to Europe!