Randwick, light rail stop
The Randwick Light Rail Stop is located along High Street, beside the
Prince of Wales Hospital, in the eastern suburb of Randwick. It is the
final destin...
15 hours ago
Is that a red squirrel? We are have very few red squirrels left in this country as the grey has taken over their territory. I get a lot of greys in the trees outside my flat. They bring a great deal of amusement as I live on the first floor so the tree branches are in direct eye line.
Je ne suis pas perdue mais je suis à 360 km de chez moi entre déménagement, emménagement, etc. Je suis très fatiguée mais je pense à vous...
Just out of interest, what's the time difference between OK and England?
We have red squirrels is Tulsa. They seem to be all over Eastern Oklahoma. Greys predominate in other parts of the country. In Florida they are small and very dark and in the west some places have Fox squirrels with tufts of hair on their ears. I don't know how many different varieties we have. Remember that the United States is a big country with major differences in climate and terrain. Even within a relatively small area you will see pockets of one kind or another. I think you seldom see more than one kind in the same area. Squirrels are very territorial and don't like to share the same area. Blah, blah. That's your nature lesson for today.
Are you adjusting to Sharon being back in Hawaii? You had a nice visit. I didn't know she had a brother until she posted their picture. Any more of your offspring? Good looking kids, obviously good stock.
To answer your question, there is 6 hours time difference between Central US and England. When it is noon here it is 6 PM there.
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