Here is the proof. Right in my own back yard.
Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
3 hours ago
It sure has! They are beautiful. It was sunny and 61 degrees in Newtown today.
What a gorgeous picture to cheer one up on a chilly Wednesday in England. Interestingly, I commented only yesterday that for the first time in aeons my car temperature was in double figures
"10" but that was only in the morning! When I went out in the afternoon it was down to "6"!!
For us, in northern England, the crocuses are just beginning to show colour - we're way behind you.
Habits die hard, sorry! That anon should read "Leedslass"
I love these first signs of Spring.
I am so jealous!
Nice yellow!
We are not at this stage yet, but I can't wait to see the first bloom.
I just love them. Makes me get excited about them popping up in our garden ... but we've got Autumn and Winter to get through first. Must buy some more bulbs though and plant them now!
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