Trumpet Vine is indigenous to this part of the country and grows very quickly. It is often seen growing on a wall or a fence. It can easily grow to the top of a utility pole. This home owner has built a little trellis and trained the vine to arch across the entrance. It is best to plant these where they are limited in where they spread as they will take over a garden.

The more common color is orange but there are yellow and red varieties as well. The flowers produce a lot of nectar and are a favorite with hummingbirds. After the blooms mature and wither large seed pods or "beans" hang down. I remember playing with these when I was a kid.
I don't think it grow up North - never seen it in Canada. Which is a shame because the flowers look pretty!
I thought at first that looked like convolvulus - a hedgerow weed that grows over here but when I saw the seed pods - no way. They look more like runner beans! Are the seed pods edible?
The "beans" are very woody, like a Catalpa. No, this is strictly ornamental.
I live in Guelph Ontario and we have them in our yard. I was just searching to see if the pods were edible, however they are not.
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