Although the sun sets behind the Arkansas river only a block or so from my house, I can't really walk over there because of the traffic on Riverside Drive. I have to drive down to 56th St or up to 31st where I can pull off on the west side. There are some better places to look west. I will save that for another time.
Skywatch Friday in and around Town
No big adventures lately so what I have this week are Skywatch “targets of
opportunity.” Sights I saw while going about my business. First up is a
15 hours ago
Bonsoir Bill.
Magnifiques images du coucher de soleil entre les branches des arbres dénudés. Cela rappelle celle qu'Aby a mise aujourd'hui sur son blog.
Elle est partie conduire sa "Petite Dernière" chez les autres grands-parents mais revient demain soir pour sa dernière semaine de vacances sans ses filles. Retour sur Toulouse (pour elle) dimanche prochain... nous, nous y repartirons le 23 pour quelques jours afin de lui finir son installation...
Le rôle des parents, encore et toujours !!!
I changed something on my translator, I hope it will work better now.
Try and tell me if it is works !!
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeet! Don't you love the wide angle of the SX10? It's one of my many fave features.
How's it going with the learning curve? I seem to stick to the mode I'm comfortable with until I'm ready for the next gradient....and there's alwasy another level!
Susan's a rock star for indulging you :-)
Sharon - I carry the User's Guide in my camera bag and bone up as I go. This camera will do everything. Yes, I call her Saint Susan. Thanks for putting me onto it.
They're a joy to look at - you are so obviously enjoying your new toy.
I am a big fan of sunsets -- always look differentm yet so dramatic... this one was nice!
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