Bourke Hotel
The former Bourke Hotel is located on the corner of George Street and
Goulburn Street. It was built in 1903 and ceased operating as a hotel in
the early 1...
8 hours ago
... A City Daily Photo Blog for Tulsa Oklahoma ...
I read your heading and thought I'd totally lost my marbles thinking it was September and not realising it was July!!! My excuse is it's early morning for me! However, on rereading your post, that's obviously the name of our climbing rose and lovely it is too.
Lovely photo and a useful explanation Mr Tulsa!
Well, my knockout roses are still blooming, but fall is just around the corner. I will only have a few more weeks to enjoy their colors. Climbing roses always remind me of my Grandmother's house. Love them. Happy Ruby Tuesday.
Lovely macro!
Ruby Leaves is one of my entries. Please come and see, your comment will be very much appreciated.
Nothing like photos of roses. Great post.
Wow! Great photo. I just planted this rose about a month ago in my garden to grow on an umbrella trellis... Can't wait to see blooms like this .... Thanks for sharing....
Beautiful roses. A late Ruby Tuesday visit. Mine's here.
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