When Smokey sees a squirrel in our back yard he tries his best to catch it but they are too quick for him. Pit Bulls have enough speed but not enough acceleration. By the time he gets up to speed the squirrel has disappeared into the vine covered brush that covers our fence and Smokey is left wondering where it went.
See More Thursday Theme Day
How to Find Cool Places to Explore in La Plata
There is both nothing and a lot to do in La Plata.
The post How to Find Cool Places to Explore in La Plata first appeared on Correr
Es Mi Destino.
3 hours ago
aw, poor Smokey! there must be something else he likes in the vine brush?
nice Theme Thursday
nice. my cat wanted at a sqirrel today that was on the porch...even though it was on the other side of the screen...nice shot. happy theme thursday!
Once our dog tried to get at a cat that was in the backyard and he almost went right through the porch screen. He sniffs every leaf, piece of brush, everything when we go for our walks. Happy times.
My TT is posted.
That is an intense dog. If I was a squirrel I find another yard to hang out in.
The title - this is exactly what he seems to say! :-D
Our dog used to have the same problem with rabbits. They would turn on her and disappear in to the brush. She still had fun chasing them.
You captured the expression perfectly!
Smockey est magnifique dans son décor de vigne-vierge, sans oublier le regard attentif et intéressé par l'écureuil qu'il n'aura pas...
En ce moment, chez nous, une famille de hérissons sort en soirée pour venir boire dans la gamelle des chiens d'où les aboiements incessants de Nosy et Volvo lequel essaie d'attraper un hérisson roulé en boule.
L'Hôm est obligé de rentrer les chiens, de prendre les hérissons pour les remettre dans la jachère voisine mais ils reviennent car c'est là leur seul point d'eau par ces temps de sécheresse. Pourtant, on leur en a installé un autre loin de l'enclos des chiens !!!!
Allez comprendre les animaux !
The expression says it all - Smokey brought a smile to my face.
I like them, they are angels who teach us to love. Nice picture!
One of my cats is like that with birds - and she never learns. Last week I watched as she ran half way up the trunk of a tree overhanging my courtyard ... along the top of the fence, up the trunk, leap onto the roof of the adjoining garage. The bird just watched and smiled benignly ...
..glad he didn't catch it...i like the pic - and one could think he looks a bit disappointed....smiles
Love this take on the theme. Very well done
Pensez-vous que les hérissons à un parasite? Je n'ai jamais vu un. Je pense qu'ils sont communes en Europe et en Grande-Bretagne. Les hérissons sont pas naturellement aux États-Unis, en Australie ou d'ailleurs. Les gens ne les achète par les fournisseurs et les conserver pour les animaux de compagnie. De toutes les photos que j'ai vu, ils sont mignons petits animaux. Comme ils se nourrissent d'insectes, je préfère les avoir dans mon jardin que les écureuils.
Do you consider hedgehogs to be a pest? I have never seen one. I think they are common in Europe and Great Britain. Hedgehogs are not found naturally in the United States, or in Australia for that matter. People do buy them from per suppliers and keep them for pets. From the pictures I have seen they are cute little animals. Since they eat insects I would rather have them in my garden than squirrels.
I always like variations on a theme.
You dog makes this one excellent
mine is here
Moon Smiles
Smokey against Squirrel ... IS it a new movie ? Poor Smokey .. he never catch a squirrel he is too slow, I hope that squirrel doesn't laught about him , but I not sure,
That's a great photo!
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