Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
11 hours ago
That is red HOT!!
See and be seen is what the owner of that car is saying:-)
totally cool ... I love a mustang.
My Ruby Redness
Wow! This car certainly makes a bold and colourful statement! Fantastic!
Oh those flames... Who fast can we go?
My ruby Link for you
Well, the wheels are '70 vintage, so I guessing so is the remainder of the car. According to the medallion on the scoop, there is a 351 resting under the hood. It is a sweet ride indeed.
interesting car and looks so hot!haha..Have a good day!
Hey Bill. Nice shot. It's a '69 because of the scoops on the sides. Don't think the '70 had them. The 351 on the hood scoop and lack of badge on the fender argues for a Mach 1, which is just trim level of the card you identified.
Ah, Bill. A guy's dream. It is a beautifully restored classic.
Wow !
Rouge feu !
Boy, does that ever bring back memories. They just don't make 'em like that anymore!
What a hot looking car, so colorful
Rockin! I want the same, I wouldn't lose it in the parking lot.
69 is correct. Interesting choice of wheels - factory optional Magnum 500s - with such a non stock paint job, but it works. Like the car, but I sure wouldnt park it in a walmart parking lot! Of course, you'd never catch ME in the evil empire anyway...
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