Lots of people like to fish just below the low water bridge on the Arkansas River. The gentleman in the red shirt is my excuse for posting this on Ruby Tuesday.
For other shades of red from all over check out Ruby Tuesday.
Nothing LIke Home!
My wife Heather drove me back from the hospital today. I went in Tuesday
and as supposed to be discharged Wednesday. Didn’t work that way. I had
10 hours ago
perfect pass time,
in a perfect red shirt.
That's perfect. He really does pop out in that red shirt!
We have to stop meeting this way LOL You are making me look bad because I'm using the same post to be on Ruby Tuesday while you have been so busy creating new interesting ones. Thanks for sharing.
Love it :-)
Cool Ruby Tuesday, and wow, that is a big fishing hole. :))
visit me at Silently Mine
Pure beauty and serenity with your photo. It's really.....picture perfect.
My R T is "lady in red"...a portrait of my daughter. Come by and view her if you can find time, I'd love your visit!!
It looks like a lovely p;ace to sit and contemplate.
Excellent Ruby Tuesday post. Very nicely composed. I think I'll join the others and do a little fishing myself.
Really intense colors. The red shirt pops out and so does the blue water above the dam.
waiting patiently
for a catch
Red Door to Wonder
What a beautiful shot. And I love one of your previous RT photos, of the Native American in his red outfit.
Thanks for coming by and leaving a comment on my Thursday Challenge 'family.' Love your Ruby Tuesday photos. Red is grand!
Your blog always makes me feel so nostalgic I can almost feel the atmosphere at my grandparents house when I was a teenager, I'm getting many memories flooding me with strong flashbacks.
A lovely scene and a great capture of the red.
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