Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
11 hours ago
Beautiful clouds! Here in Knoxville they say if you don't like the weather wait a few hours & it will change.
Ah, they use to say that in Texas as well! I've found here in WA the same thing applies! Love your clouds! What a great shot! Hope you have a great weekend!
I love the silvery tones. Very different view of the skyline.
beautiful sky indeed!
around here in coastal CT we only give it 20 minutes because the fog, wind etc. can roll in and out quickly.
Beautiful! Have a wonderful weekend.
I really don't know where that comment about the weather originated. It is attributed to different people in different places. Here in Oklahoma we think Will Rogers said it first.
Using the Rocks for jigsaw???? Go for it anytime.
In Maine, we say just wait a MINUTE! hahahahaha!
The clouds totally dominate the skyline!
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