Old house - Stroud, Oklahoma
Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
4 hours ago
That was lovely to do. Unfortunately I exited without getting my time!!!
very challenging.
4 hours 26 minutes, working off and on.
Just over 35 minutes, using the "ghost" as a guide.
'morning Bill - Australia here
Firstly, that JSP looks intruiging. I got started and worked out how to operate it a bit. Shall come back in a while and work out more.
Back to the reference to #43.
Brattcat is a writer so I thought a blog that I found over the weekend might be on interest to her. I find it totally engrossing and am working my way through each of the entries and hope to have read them all by the time Therese gets to #365 on Dec 31.
I would love to know what you think.
regards my friend
Here is the link.
I am glad you appreciated &7, Bill.
Don't be overwhelmed, just be selective. For myself, just read Sydney Eye. This is the one I put my intellectual effort into. I am trying to improve my text in line with my photography. This is my aim.
Now that I am retired, I regard blogging as my "job". By blogging, I mean getting the idea, taking the photographs, crafting a story, and commenting on the work of others. I get to travel all over my city and research a lot of history. As you do, I can see from your Tulsa history blog.
Now I need to traipse over to my daughter's apartment and water her tomatoes etc as today is going to reach the high 30sC!!
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