I love this little creche. We got it several years ago at a church gift shop.
It is Christmas Eve and I have some good news and some bad news. The good news is that Susan's special Christmas present was delivered today. She has a brand new Kenmore cook stove with high capacity top burners and a big self cleaning oven. She has tested it by making a batch of my favorite cookies. Tomorrow she will further test drive it by cooking a nice roast of beef and potato au gratin for our Christmas dinner. She is very happy. When Susan is happy I am happy.
The bad news is that the weather is terrible. It is well below freezing and sleet and frozen rain has coated streets and sidewalks with ice. It is predicted to continue all night. It is too dangerous for me to get out. I am unsteady on flat dry pavement. Ice is out of the question. That is a shame because it will interfere with our plans for Christmas Eve church services.
We were to take grand children Molly and Will to be part of the Christmas Play and I have been working with our music ministry on lots of special music. Now I'm afraid that not many will be able to attend. Sue's daughter and family are just down the street so they can walk over and we will feast no matter what the weather. Someone must have prayed for a white Christmas. You need to be careful what you pray for.
Happy Christmas to you and Mts.TG.....thanks for all your good mojo over the years, 'tis greatly appreciated. Stay warm and toasty inside and listen to the Kings Collage Choir, they're a good second best to the real thing.
A happy Christmas Bill and Susan.
As Sharon says, stay warm, toasty and, more importantly, safe inside enjoying the food and family who I'm sure will be visiting.
My son is collecting me to take me to his Mum-in-law's for lunch. My car is an automatic and simply refuses to budge in the snow! Never mind, I have stocked up with food to feed the 5,000 in my freezer.
I'm sorry about the bad weather, unfortunately it seems to be all over the USA and Canada now... not to mention Europe!
Better be safe than sorry :-)
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