Weerzien in het rietland
Aan het eind van de ochtend kwamen Jetske en ik vrijdag bij het rietland
aan. Voordat we echt tussen de rietsnijders waren, moesten we eerst nog
naar de an...
1 hour ago
Palm Sunday has lovely memories for me - Red and Sharon were both christened on Palm Sunday Red 1959
and Sharon 1961.
Now you've taught me something I didn't know - fancy you having hot cross buns - I wonder if they taste the same as the English ones?
Ours are quite spicey, probably cinamon being the main spice.
Love your tree pictures and look forward to seeing them in "layers".
Good evening,
With us on the occasion of Palm Sunday, we go to church with branches of boxwood that the priest blessed, this boxwood is then hung crucifixes in the house. It will be burned next year when Ash Wednesday. Here also is the last Sunday before Easter!
Thank you for the video tomorrow I put pictures of Clémence on my blog!
Good evening
The lady who made them for us learned how when she and her husband lived in England, so I expect they are the same. These were not heavy with cinnamon however.
It should not be surprising to know that a great many English customs are alive and well in the USA. We started out as primarily an English colony and we do speak what resembles the English language.
Also, bear in mind that Sue and I are members of the Episcopal Church which is part of the same Anglican Communion as the Church of England. We have lots in common.
Micki - We have the same custom of burning the crosses for Ash Wednesday except we use palm leaves instead of boxwood. I look forward to seeing your little "cowgirl". Did she see the video? The little girl was a good rider.
Never heard of that before, but my religious knowledge is close to zero!
Interesting and quite artistic.
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