Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Ruby Tuesday - Tuberous Begonia

I was in Southwoods nursery last weekend and took a few photos.  Tuberous begonias come in an amazing variety of colors.  I am always seduced by their beauty but bring them home only to watch them curl up and die.  They are a bit too fussy for my garden.

See more Ruby Tuesday


Leedslass said... [Reply to comment]

Oh how I agree with you. Beautiful in the shop but get them home and the flowers seem to drop immediately.

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

They do make a great Ruby Tuesday entry. But like you said, some things are probably best left at the store. I also like plants that are less fussy and more forgiving of the weather extremes as well as my potential neglect.

Jeannie Marie said... [Reply to comment]

My begonia's here in Florida have survived all the other plants. It may be the humidity, but I think they are strong because they bloom and grow all year long here.

Karen said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful brilliant colour. I too have a brown thumb with begonias.

Gemma Wiseman said... [Reply to comment]

Such a rich rich red. They are a bright delight.