Last Tuesday Cara brought Wren Alston for a visit and some lunch. She is looking very grown up at two and one half months. She is obviously eating well. Cara is feeling well and has bounced up from her C-section. In fact she has started working at the Canebrake where Luke's brother Adam is the Marketing manager. The hour between when Cara leaves and Luke comes home is hotly contested for by 4 able first cousins, 2 aunts and a grandmother. Everyone is close and its a good situation. Cara is a good mom and her 10 year old son Josh is proud of his new sibling skills. He even changes (ugh) diapers.
Lovely images!
I am sure babies, nowadays, look older/wiser than their actual age.
Perhaps it's the clothes they wear?
In the olden days, i.e. when my children were this age, white was the colour to wear, no matter what the gender.
She is absolutely beautiful, no wonder you're besotted.
Very cute, she looks very comfortable in your arms Bill. She looks like a baby that knows she is well loved.
En effet Wren est un très beau bébé bien éveillé !
bisous de France
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