Through truss bridge over Hominy Creek on OK 99 in Osage County Oklahoma. Built in 1936 to replace an older bridge.
Chinatown, Lunar Lanterns, Snake
Lunar Lanterns have been installed around the city to celebrate the Sydney
Lunar New Year Festival. This year is the Year of the Snake in the Chinese
9 hours ago
WOW! I really like your yellow bridge. The color is so unusual and sets off the interesting steel work beautifully. Such a nice shot and a one-of-a-kind photo.
hee hee...
Believe it or not, «Louis» has been across this bridge!
He wouldn't forget crossing Hominy Creek!
Great colour. You don't see many in yellow.
Sydney - City and Suburbs
What interesting bridges you have.
Hominy Creek, is that the same as hominy grits? Perhaps I've made that up???/
The creek is near the town of Hominy where the Indian Art Gallery I featured last Wednesday is located.
Hominy is field corn which has been soaked in a weak solution of lye then dried. This makes the corn keep better and improves its nutritional value. Grits is a porridge made from coarse ground hominy - hominy grits. Grits is a breakfast staple throughout the southern US. It is usually seasoned with butter or bacon grease and salt and pepper. Some like it with milk and sugar. Northern folks do not like grits mainly because they have not tried it.
Beautiful Bridge!
Cruise Picture
L'ADSL étant trop lente l'image ne s'est pas ouverte... Dommage !
Fin des examens de santé pour contrôle : tout est ok.
tranquille pour 6 mois.
Bisous et caresses à Smokey.
That's quite an elaborate yellow truss bridge for such a short distance.
Manoooh - Je suis très heureux de savoir que votre santé est rétablie. Pour ma part, je considère ma vie après le cancer avec le temps bonus. Chaque jour est un cadeau et c'est à moi de faire bon usage de chaque jour. Smokey envoie son amour et de baisers.
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