Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Spear Points at Wolaroc

Part of the artifacts on display In Wolaroc Museum just west of Bartlesville are these arrow and spear points found locally.  They reveal a remarkable level of skill and no doubt were a very effective weapon in the hands of a young Indian hunter.


DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

With the variation is size, weight, and balance, it is amazing that the hunter was able to actually hit what he was aiming at. Beautiful display and perfect for a Ruby Tuesday.

Best of Blogs Tulsa said... [Reply to comment]

Interesting blog! I've included it on a site I've created, which is a compilation of some of the best blogs in the city.

Jackie said... [Reply to comment]

oh I love the spears and it's nice to meet you Bill from Tulsa. We live just outside of Madill.

My hubby works for ATS and they have a terminal in Tulsa so we are there quite often!

Happy RT!

Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

Nice collection, with a self portrait to boot.

Sharon's Mum Anne said... [Reply to comment]

My first thought on reading you heading was "oh my, Bill's been to Australia" - Woolaroc sounds as though it's some township "down under". Lovely picture.