Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
3 hours ago
The Tulsa door man strikes again.
I was taking a picture of their flags and spires and a parishoner told me that I needed to have the churches permission to take a picture. She also told me that they certainly wouldn't allow a picture of the church on the internet.
So you are in big trouble.
Great picture. Wonderful building. I love church architecture. I knew of a guy in my hometown of Nashville, who published a series of photographs depicting just the doorways of historic buildings. It was quite an interesing project.
I enjoy reading your blog. Hope to see picutes of your recent visit to the rose garden soon!
I asked Pope Benedict and he said it was OK.
I have to say Yogi that I think that women that told you that was not telling the truth...or was a bit misguided.
Great doors. the portico is so big it makes the doors themselves look small
Was out blog-hopping and followed the crumbs over to your blog from Yogi's. Enjoyed!
It's always good to have a house to share faith with friends and family. I don't understand why they didn't allow people to take pics of this beautiful Church.
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