The Korean Garden serves the only authentic Korean food in Tulsa and one of my favorite restaurants of any style. It is a small family owned restaurant, clean and simple with a very good menu. They serve a variety of bulgogi, soups, bibimbap, roast fish, and stirfrys, all served with rice and multiple side dishes. Many of the dishes are spicy but not all. All are interesting and delicious. If you are unsure what to order they have a nice variety of dishes to choose from on their buffet. They are on the North West corner of S. 41st St. and 129th East Avenue in Tulsa.
Haymarket, light rail
A tram on the Central to Dulwich Hill line of the Sydney Light Rail Network has
turned the corner from Hay Street into Belmore Park, in the inner city
3 hours ago
Thanks for inviting me to sit in - yea: it was delicious!
if I ever visit Tulsa (and it may happen) I will be sure to look this place up. looks wonderful!
Korean Garden is not the only Korean Resaturant in Tulsa,Broken Arrow has Yakiniku MaMa,Broken Arrow is not that far for you Tulsans,Yakiniku MaMa serves traditional Korean as well as Traditional Japanese and is all natural no additives that you normally find in your foods.
I've been to Tulsa but I haven't seen the place. I really love Korean dish most specially if you eat the food w/ Kimchi. I really love Korean Kimchi, it really gives an additional taste to the food that you'll surely love. I'll try to visit the place when I visit my Aunt in Tulsa.
Cheap Hotels,Yakiniku MaMa located at 21914 E.71st Broken Arrow.
i haven't been in the place but i did go to some korean restaurants. i will add this to the list of my prospect places to visit. i love korean foods. nice blog..thanks..keep it up...make more blogs like this.
Looks very appetising!!
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