Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - Storage Shed Door

This is a little storage shed at Mabry's Mill where we visited last month in Virginia.  It has a pretty good brace and lock for a old shed.  There was a still there.  Maybe this is where the corn likker is stashed.  Well I don't know about that but I do know that splashy orange flower is a Gibraltar Azalea.

See More Wordless Wednesday


Leedslass said... [Reply to comment]

I thought that door was a large chair at first sight! Perhaps I need to go to the opticians?

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful composition. The orange blossoms actually give the capture an autumn feel. Well done.

Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, what is behind that door. Reminds me of Stephen King.

Snowcatcher said... [Reply to comment]

I, too, thought it was a chair, and I also thought the flowers were autumn foliage. You got me on this one!

Ryan said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful colored tree, I think a visit to the opticians is also what I need as I thought the entrance was an old rocking chair. I was imagining myself sitting in the warm evening air sipping some corn booze.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Oh, I get it! I also thought the door was the chair before I read the first comment! I was thinking "my, this is a tiny door!"