Adah Robinson Residence, Tulsa, 1927
Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
3 hours ago
27 minutes BUT the pieces kept locking and I had to come out of the puzzle several times to "unlock" them! Therefore, no idea ifI've been very, very slow or that's the true time.
Enjoyable, but frustrating thinking I was losing that puzzle I had already completed.
If anyone else does your puzzles I'd be most interested if they have had the same problem - it's certainly a first for me.
Wish I drank, I'm in need of a brandy after that lot.
I dunno Anne. I always work these when I post them and I didn't have any unusual problem. It took me about 15 minutes but I am always slow. When you put pieces together correctly they snap in place but I don't think that's what you are talking about. Maybe you had an internet poltergeist.
Obviously the time it took to come out and go in again was added on to my overall finishing time!
I started off so well - you made it easy with a sky in the picture and I ALWAYS start a jigsaw with the sky!
I was so frustrated I didn't use the correct words. What happened was when I clicked on to the pieces to shift them around the whole thing froze and nothing moved - hence I came out in order to reboot the computer - but was so relieved to find my puzzle in the same state when I went back in.
Clever you only taking 15 minutes, I wouldn't call that slow.
Let's hope for better luck next time. I had a hot bath instead of a brandy!!!!!
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