Summer is past and nights are turning cooler. We are beginning to see some fall color but we need a touch of frost to get the full show. It is nice when the outer leaves turn color while the inside leaves are still green.
This is Indian Summer and I love this time of year. The days are warm and dry, the nights are cool and crisp. It is time for long walks and football games.
Eksters, rietland en aalscholvers
We begonnen de dag gisteren met koffie en gebak bij Jetske. Een paar
eksters meenden ook te zijn uitgenodigd en plunderden met elk een snavel
vol meelworme...
4 hours ago
Hello !
C'est vrai que l'automne est une très belle saison et qu'il faut profiter de l'été indien. Mais aujourd'hui, chez nous, ce sont "les épisodes cévenols" : pluies diluviennes et orages pendant des heures. :-(
See you later...
Good to see you have a touch of the golden beauty of autumn too. In Norway we've had some frost night already, so we are a bit ahead of you :-)
It seems the whole world is having a colourful autumn. We are reliably informed by the BBC news that this is because we had a wet summer and are now enjoying a dry spell allowing the leaves to make these wonderful colours.
Although I absolutely love the autumnal colouration of the trees, it would have been nice if they could come via a rather dryer and warmer summer!!!
Lovely picture: I'm a jigsaw addict and my highest accolade for any picture is "that would make a lovely jigsaw".
Anne (Sharon's Mum)
We had 15 inches of rain above the average this year. When the weather turns cooler we should have a beautiful autumn. Hopefully some more jigsaw pictures.
Beautiful, isn't it! We have fall clors in Ontario as well.
I used to hate fall in France... it was always grey. Much nicer in Canada, thanks to the Indian Summer!
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