Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Wordless Wednesday - A Prayer for David

My son David stopped by on Saturday to say goodbye.  He left Sunday for 2 months in Iraq.  He serves with the Air Guard here in Tulsa and is part of a group being sent to help get ready for the draw-down of our troops there by year end.  He is a very fine young man and much loved.  Keep him safe Lord, bring him home.

See More Wordless Wednesday


Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

He's on the prayer list Bill.

caite said... [Reply to comment]

a handsome lad...and I am sure all our prayers will be with him.

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

I'm with Yogi. He's definitely on the prayer list.

Fashion Momma said... [Reply to comment]

I'll pray for him. :)

I played too. Mine are here and here.

Meg @ write meg! said... [Reply to comment]

Send warm thoughts to David for his safe return.

Elleona said... [Reply to comment]

Bill, mon ami.

David sera dans mes prières (comme Laurent) pour qu'il revienne en pleine forme de son séjour en Irak.

N'avez-vous jamais reçu ma documentation sur Conques envoyée il y a un mois ?
Bisous à vous deux et c aresses à Smokey.

Leedslass said... [Reply to comment]

My thoughts are with you both through this trying time.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

@Elleona - Oui, j'ai reçu les documents que vous avez envoyé. J'ai envoyé un e-mail en vous remerciant à l'époque. Je suis désolé si vous n'avez pas l'obtenir. Il était très doux de vous les envoyer.

Merci pour vos prières - oui, comme Laurent. Comment est-Laurent?

Nous sommes finalement obtenir des temps d'automne agréable. Nous prévoyons de prendre Smokey pour une promenade et un pique-nique demain pour profiter de la météo.

PerthDailyPhoto said... [Reply to comment]

Prayers are definitely with David and all the other brave young men. I have a son named David too, I can't even imagine how you must be feeling.