Monday, September 19, 2011

Macro Monday - Looking for Sugar

Bees and wasps enjoy sipping the sweet nectar from flowers.  Three are feeding here.  Can you find them all?

more Macro Monday


Rosie Gan said... [Reply to comment]

A beautiful image...the white blooms are truly gorgeous. Hope nobody got stung getting too near to all that nectar.

Leedslass said... [Reply to comment]

They're playing "Follow my Leader" a child's game played over here which literally does "what it says on the tin".

Lovely capture Bill.

ShonEjai said... [Reply to comment]

Very nice photo! Very scary subject! Kudos to your bravery!

Rune Eide said... [Reply to comment]

If this is recent, I get very envious - here it is poring and 10 degrees C.

PS Thank you for the comment - the ship is doing "fine" now.

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

Lovely image. That's what you call peaceful co-existence. There is plenty of food for everyone.

caite said... [Reply to comment]

excellent macro...lovely.