Friday, July 15, 2011

Skywatch Friday - Local Storm

Last Tuesday we had a brief break in the heat when a thunderstorm blew through Tulsa.  It was part of the 20% chance of rain that is a permanent part of our summer weather forecast.  It cooled things down and settled the dust for a little but was more thunder than  rain.  This year we will take whatever we can get.  We have had 100F+ most every day since early June and the western part of the state is blowing away.

More SkyWatch Friday


Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

Nice pic Bill, you captured very well the cooling off effect of the front coming through.

Leedslass said... [Reply to comment]

I cannot begin to contemplate regular 100 degree days of heat. My husband and I once experienced a day in San Francisco where it reached 104 degrees - coming from England we almost ended up as a double puddle on the pavement!

Pooja Singh said... [Reply to comment]

Nice pic and also a great idea for weekend.

Joyful said... [Reply to comment]

Wow, it has been hot where you are. Here our summer hasn't even begun. The cloud photo is beautiful...very dramatic.

Birdman said... [Reply to comment]

Ya, something was brewing!

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

Nicely captured. The few showers have provided a bit of relief for us. And August isn't here yet.

Jan n Jer said... [Reply to comment]

Your neck of the woods has really been in a heatwave/drought! Great shot of the storm clouds.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Glad for the brief respite from the heat and broiling sunshine..I heard on our local new network in Seattle that there is a terrible drought going on across the south... I hope and pray for relief soon!

Wanda said... [Reply to comment]

Really nice sky watch picture. We've had boring skies here in Southern CA. Storms to bring in lovely skies.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

We hit 108* today here in the OKC area. Whew! I just stay in doors, unless junkin' calls me to go look for more vintage treasures! I tolerate heat better than most, but the 100's plus humidity is a killer.