Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Wild Persimmons

Wild Persimmons

Here in eastern Oklahoma the wild persimmons are about ready to pick. If they are a little green they are bitter enough to make your mouth pucker up for a 24 hour kiss. But when fully ripe they will fall off the tree at the lightest touch and are so sweet that they are like candy.

You can't buy persimmons like this, they are too soft and fragile to endure being handled and shipped to market. They are free to anyone who can locate a persimmon tree and able to beat the opossums, squirrels and raccoons who gooble them up like greedy children with a bag full of Halloween candy. They make wonderful persimmon pie, and persimmon bread is like nothing else. For some wild persimmon recipes look HERE.

More Wordless Wednesday postings


catsynth said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful picture and description. I am trying to taste both the tart and ultra-sweet versions.

Sukhmandir Kaur said... [Reply to comment]

I love ll varieties of persimmons. I didn't get introduced to them until late in life so i have some catching up to do! Happy WW

Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

I don't believe I have ever had a persimmon.

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

I have seen them all of my life, but I have never tasted one for fear that it might not be ripe just yet.

Auntie E said... [Reply to comment]

I haven't had Persimmons pie in ages and the bread sounds great. Happy WW

AlpacaFarmgirl said... [Reply to comment]

These sound wonderful! I'll be on the lookout for some.

Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Squeeze a persimmon gently. If its soft its ripe, if its firm its not ready. Lay the firm ones aside for a few days and they will ripen.

Elleona said... [Reply to comment]

Je ne connais pas les kakis sauvages mais à vous lire, je les suppose délicieux !

Snowcatcher said... [Reply to comment]

Yum! You've made me hungry!

TorAa said... [Reply to comment]

I wish I could pick some of the wild persimmons like you can. Those for sales in the shops here in Norway, are seldom really ripe.

Thanks for introducing me to something for me new.
In fact, blogs are a fantastic arena for learning. What is common one place on our tiny planet, is unknown another place.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

You know what, I'm pretty sure this is what I tried to take a picture of for ten minutes this week end. It really looked like Persimmons, I just don't know plants etc, proper names.