Shadow Shot Sunday – Shadows on Steroids
The other day I ventured to Tulsa’s Linnaeus Demonstration Gardens at
Woodward Park. They have a gathering area that has shadows on shadows and
so is one o...
5 hours ago
I think my husband would love it if I bought something from this shop. Hahaha.
Happy WW! :-)
I know my husband would love any one of these skimpy outfits. Just saying.
Have a terrific WW. :)
Wordless Wednesday
No words needed indeed!
my my, what sort of shopping were you doing?
Very fashionable.
Mais c'est coquin tout ça !!!
Did they have anything in camo?
Which did you buy for Susan for her birthday?
I was only window shopping.
happy WW
Oh my. Interesting display. Are the mannequins lit from the inside? That's a clever and effective display if so.
That first one has an interesting cut, like it's built for a man.
I wonder whatever attracted you to that window ;-)
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