Monday, October 25, 2010

Macro Monday - Bee on Portulaca

Some sort of little bee is visiting my portulaca.  I can't place him although he may be a type of wasp.  Either way he doesn't appear dangerous as long as I don't try to pick him up. 


Sharon's Mum Anne said... [Reply to comment]

Good on you, having a great weekend. Love the wasp/bee shot but don't recognise the flower - not something we have in England (I don't think).

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Beautiful Flowers

Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

Nice shot. I'm glad that you didn't get stung.

Blondie's Abode said... [Reply to comment]

Very pretty shot! I have those all over my yard! Still haven't figured out what they are. I'm happy as long as they pollinate my veggies and don't sting me. :)

Snowcatcher said... [Reply to comment]

Thanks for explaining your setup. I think your non-detachable lens is a bit longer than my longest interchangeable. That's why you get such decent macro shots!

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

Excellent capture. How do you like that Canon? I have an SX 5is. It works pretty well for most situations, when I don't want to drag out the DSLR. I've considered upgrading to the SX 20 or the newer SX 30, but they're getting to be as big as a DSLR and that's unfortunate.

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Your zoom is quite powerful. Mine on go up to 200 with my zoom lens.