Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Ruby Tuesday - Father Cardinal

I have a pair of Northern Cardinals which have nested nearby, although I have not seen their nest. The male is a bright red while the female is more of a rust color.  They enjoy my sunflower seeds.   I believe the female is sitting on eggs because I have not seen much of her lately.  Instead, the male picks up seeds from the feeder and flies off to feed them to his mate.  Cardinals are pretty birds and make a very distinctive call, whoit, whoit, whoit, whit-cheer, whit-cheer.  At least that is what it sounds like to me.


NicoleB, Kuwait said... [Reply to comment]

I so love and would love to see these gorgeous birds.
What a Beauty and what a lovely shot of him!

Sharon's Mum Anne said... [Reply to comment]

Lucky you being able to see such colourful birds outside your window on a daily basis!

DrillerAA said... [Reply to comment]

Living on the edge of the woods, we have as many as six pair of these lovely creatures during the winter. I typically let them forage for themselves in the summer. I break out the seed, right after the first frost. Excellent Ruby Tuesday capture.

Yogi♪♪♪ said... [Reply to comment]

Cardinals are fun and attractive.

Lois said... [Reply to comment]

He is a beauty! I have several pairs in my backyard and they have been very prolific this year.

Snowcatcher said... [Reply to comment]

How beautiful! I've never seen one in real life, only in pictures. How awesome to have one you can see so close!

Julie said... [Reply to comment]

Whoa! What a beauty he is!!~

Joan Elizabeth said... [Reply to comment]

Your ruby tuesday posts are always so special but this one is super special.