Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Obama Inauguration

The world was watching Tuesday as Barack Obama was inaugurated as the 44th president of the United States of America.  I am interested to know your reaction to our new president.  I would appreciate your comment.  Here are some world reactions.

From Obama's home town Chicago Tribune:  HERE

From an American expatriate living in Norway: HERE

From an immigrant American living in California: HERE

And from CNN, a set of photographs from around the world: HERE

I would like your reaction as well. Please leave a comment. Thanks


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

An article by Stephen Glover in my Daily Mail newspaper today sums up the way I feel about Barack Obama. "Brilliant he may be, but for his own good don't forget that Obama's just a man, not a superman".

I think the world is in such a mess generally that we are all looking to your President to make things better for us. I hope he succeeds, even in a small way.


Unknown said... [Reply to comment]

Correcting 8 years of ignorance and incompetance will take some time and a lot of work. My Obama is very bringt and very capable but no one expects him to perform miracles. He will need a lot of help and cooperation. Keep us all in your prayers.

josy said... [Reply to comment]

des hommes et des femmes du monde entier croient tant en lui ,qu'il doit être porté par tout cet amour
c'est la première fois que je vois ça !!!!
espérons qu'il ne descend pas trop vite dans l'appréciation des gens ,car il a beaucoup de travail à faire cela me semble un challenge très difficile à réaliser...
good luck for him
j'espère que,tu n'es pas trop déçu par mon scepticisme
a lot of kisses for you

josy said... [Reply to comment]

j'ai la traduction de la page du blog mais pas celle des commentaires

Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

Personally, I´m happy for the U.S.A. I think this is a great country that deserves a smart president. Obama definitely reflects the US more than Bush...

That said, he is not the messiah. Just a guy who is gonna be very busy soon.

I wish the world would start electing younger politicians who actually want to change the world.