Shadow Shot Sunday – Shadows on Steroids
The other day I ventured to Tulsa’s Linnaeus Demonstration Gardens at
Woodward Park. They have a gathering area that has shadows on shadows and
so is one o...
4 hours ago
A bright and welcoming front door. I that stone cladding or genuine?
Oh, I love a red door!
Neat door - like the glass too.
My guess is that its real Leedslass - first, it looks it. Second, if its midtown - which it obviously is - those houses were built way before that fake stone stuff was introduced. Now, if you mean by 'real' that the walls are stone all the way thru like many in your end of the world, then no, its probably not. Most likely stone outer walls with framing inside. But it could be stone all the way thru - theres a few around like that!
It is real stone built against a frame wall. These houses were built in the 1950's and this sort of stonework was popular then
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