Shadow Shot Cat
From back in December, my therapy cat Lizzy found a sun puddle upstairs and
was taking full advantage. She looks a little grumpy I think because I
didn’t g...
11 hours ago
... A City Daily Photo Blog for Tulsa Oklahoma ...
it's all about the bow.
I also love the bow, the exclamation.
Now you see, I'm not enthused by the bow - different tastes with the ocean in between do think?
However, I do like the doors and the surrounding house - that looks as though it's a rather expensive abode.
Ici nous avons enlevé la couronne de Noël sur la porte d'entrée : les objets attendront le prochain mois de décembre.
Oui, Smokey est le plus beau chien qui soit et il mérite des caresses!
I think the doors will look good even minus the decs Bill, suits the house perfectly.
btw your dog Smokey looks so lovely, he sounds like a very patient dog and you did the right thing teaching him such good manners.
Very festive looking. Most Christmas decorations in these here parts are gone now, so this was a great reminder of the season.
It seems that the owners did not have a White Christmas, but the green and red enlivened the door no end.
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