[image: Knives and forks drying on rack.]
March 9th 2025
Have no idea why I decided to post this photo here after a long gap - but
here it is!
By the wa...
1 hour ago
... A City Daily Photo Blog for Tulsa Oklahoma ...
Thanks for sharing. We don't see too many of these kind of images in the paper or on tv.
This gives us a tiny peak at what our troops saw there on a daily basis. «Louis» gives a salute to your son and all who have served (and continue to serve) in our military. «Louis» is deeply disturbed that it is fashionable in so many places, particularly up and down our country's coastal cities, to 'dis' our military.
@Louis la Vache
I believe that the public's perception of our service men and women is more positive now. After the 9-11 tragedy we have become more aware of the sacrifice our service men and women are making on our behalf.
Recently my wife and I were flying back home to Tulsa along with two service men in uniform. As soon as the flight was under way the Captain announced that there were seats available in First Class and invited the soldiers to move forward to First. I wondered if some of the other coach passengers might resent this but to the contrary as the young men passed forward the rest of the passengers broke out in applause.
That really puts a human touch on Iraq. I don't often think of it as being photogenic.
I love your flight story. Thank you for sharing!
The thing that amuses me is that if I hadn't read the caption, I would have wondered if this was somewhere in Oceanside, California.
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