The blooms are creamy white at first, with just a red tinge on the outer petals, but as they mature so do the extent of the red coloring, especially in hot climates. This rose is a hybrid tea and very fragrant. Photographs were taken in the Tulsa Municipal Rose Garden.
SOOC is an acronym for Straight Out Of the Camera with no tweaking or retouching.
SOOC is an acronym for Straight Out Of the Camera with no tweaking or retouching.
This is one of my favorite roses! Awesome color and fragrance all in one beautiful rose. Great pictures.
Lovely shot of the rose. Your link was incorrect, today, so I've fixed it. You should get more visitors, now.
Our roses (in Oregon) are having their last blooms as the rains start.
An exquisite rose beautifully captured in all its beauty!
Gorgeous shot, I can almost smell the fragrance!
Beautiful rose, great photograph.
Beautiful rose, great photograph.
No snow yet? A rose by any other name... thought I'd just throw that in. hahahaha! Enjoy the day!
So simple and beautiful - I love the yellow heart of this rose.
Beautiful SOOC shots!
21:36 - difficult, but beautiful, subject this weekend!
That's serious eye candy! And your shot of this tea rose is perfect!
[Bill, thanks for the compliment you left on my blog. Much appreciated. You asked about the poles on the rice terraces - good eyes! Our best guess is that they are small power poles for small farm equipment at different locations, like water pumps. We had such poles, not as neatly in a row, on our small lychee farm in south China.]
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