Rod from The Scooter Store in Oklahoma City brought over my new power chair. It is a heavy duty model that will last me for a long time. It is controlled by a toggle switch and is fun to drive. I ran it all around the house but will need some practice before I take it somewhere. It is surprisingly maneuverable and can turn around in it own length.

We took it outside to load in my new van. Open the rear door, swing the platform out to the street, drive the chair onto the platform and strap it down, then hoist it back up and into the van. Close the door and we are on the way. This is going to make my life much easier, both inside and outside the home.
This is great. I'm happy for you.
This looks such fun and I'm sure your life is going to be made much easier - brilliant.
I use a stroller to help me walk and I find that helps tremendously.
It takes me back to my pram pushing days when I used to walk for miles :-) Sharon had great fun playing silly so and sos with it when she was home (see her blog site).
Awesome! It does look like a great piece of technology.
Hi Dad,
Here is Luis from Brazil. I hope your new car and chair will give you a lot of comfort.
Keep in touch.
Love forever,
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