Saturday, December 20, 2008

Korean War Museum

Here is a United Nations recognition of the various countries who took part in the Korean campaign in 1950.
A friend has reminded me that there is a Korean War Veterans Memorial in Washington DC to honor those who served in the Korean Conflict. You can see it HERE


Anonymous said... [Reply to comment]

About the pictures of the Korean War Memorial in Seoul. Over here this is the "forgotten war". It wasn't until 1999 (46 years after the fact) that there was a memorial erected and it took a lot of work by the Korean Vets to get it. Vietnam, of course, had a memorial fairly quickly. My husband was in the USMC as a wireman stringing telephone wires and later was a POW for 2½ years. He was captured in North Korea and marched up to China. He nearly lost his feet to frost bite during the march.

Elleona said... [Reply to comment]

Très intéressant !