Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Ruby Tuesday - Pontiac Solstice

The Pontiac Solstice is a 2 seat sports car sold in model years 2006 to 2009.  It sold 61,000 units but was discontinued when GM shut down Pontiac in 2009.  It looks very nice in "arrest me red".

See more Ruby Tuesdays


  1. Really cool! Happy RT.

    Mine's here.

  2. I think I'd look good driving that around--great little sports car. Very RED. Mickie :)

  3. I think we both like red cars Bill.

  4. LOL...I had to laugh at "Arrest me Red" both my hubby n myself owned red cars years ago n we both got a few tickets! I love this sporty little thing...would have been a happy camper to run around in it in my younger day..but now..I go for comfort in getting in n out!!! haha

  5. Gorgeous photos! Thanks for posting those.

  6. My sis has a silver one. nVery cool car.

  7. I've always like the little Pontiac, I just never got the opportunity to ride in one. Great Ruby Tuesday capture though.

  8. Now THAT is red!!! real red! Fire truck red! Love it and would love to have the car. No one would miss me in that one. Genie

  9. Loving the bodywork...and the color wow!


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